Sunday, May 6, 2007

Getting Ready

One month from now I'll be in Buenos Aires.

Evita, dirty wars, tango. I know so little about what to expect. I've heard many things. The economy is still in a shambles after the economic collapse several years ago. Good for tourists, bad for Argentines. Crime is a problem, even in broad daylight. People are friendly and know how to enjoy life. The city has a very European feel. Still, I don't really know what it will be like, what it will smell or feel like to be in that grand city that is now "down at heel".

All I know for sure is that I have found a Spanish program that I am happy with, and I have a place to live. I know someone who will be there during the time I'm there. My school will provide me with help on things like banking, shopping, finding a gym, taking classes beyond Spanish, weekend trips, conversation partner, cell phone.

I expect to be able to speak Spanish more fluently when I leave. I expect to be able to dance tango more confidently, and I expect to have experiences and learn things which will alter the way I see my world and my life in the United States.

Other than that, I am trying not to have too many expectations and simply be open to the experience.


Bozena said...

Hi Rick!

Great beginning and great expectations! Let me know about those toilets. This would be something that I would check right away, so I am glad you are going to do it for me.
Sounds like you are in for a great adventure, new life, some exciting night time bus rides and some good learning. I will be looking forward to seeing all those new tango moves. Would you be willing to give lessons when you come back? In Spanish with a new accent?
Anyway, have fun, tango away, study hard, enjoy every moment and report back in August.
Please say hello to Larry (dziadzia Wawrzyn to me).
I will keep you posted about my adventures in Poland and Norway on the way to the North Cape in a little Huynday!


Carolyn Kappra said...

The Tango! Rick, you don't know this but as a young teen, my parents were ballroom dancers and taught me to do all those dances. I haven't "danced" since I was in my early twenty's. Do you think the Tango could be like riding a bike? I've tried to get your brother to go with me to ballroom dancing lessons. Yeah, right. I'll watch the video every day and maybe we can dance in September!
Expectations. Aim for the moon and if you only get close, you'll be surrounded by stars. Enjoy!