Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hellishly Hot

It is supposed to be spring here, but today was pretty hot. I think it was another day in the 90's but it was also humid. I hope this is a fluke and some cooler temperatures will return soon before the real summer sweat begins. It seems like spring was really short - just one month of decent temperatures.

So, it was too hot to do anything today. On top of that, I didn't know what to do. I took my time getting moving this morning and spent much of the morning sending e-mails, reading newspapers online and looking at travel sites (more on that later). Finally, around 2:30 or so I went to the gym. They had the air-conditioner on, but for some reason the windows were open too, kind of making it hard for the air-con to cool the place down. They also only had one of the big fans on. I didn't stay long, but did get a decent workout in. It wasn't crowded, I guess because it was Sunday and it was hot.

After the gym I went to the Disco, which also wasn't very crowded. As the cashier was ringing up my food, I realized she hadn't asked me any questions. After I gave her my credit card and photo copy of my passport, she finally did ask, "solo un pago?" - only one payment? I understood perfectly. I think the days of not understanding the questions at the checkout are gone (hopefully).

I came home and was glad to be in the air-conditioning again. When I first got here I stayed inside because it was warm and cozy, now I am inside because it is cool. It's turning out that Buenos Aires is not really a good city to spend a lot of time outside. Not a good thing for me. Definitely I am having doubts about this as a retirement location.

I spoke to Hernan briefly. He sent me an e-mail and said he's been diagnosed with depression and is going to start taking some meds. I feel sorry for the guy because he is so sweet and smart and creative, but he is unable to do what he wants to do because people here don't have enough money to support a vibrant arts scene. So, he supports himself by renting out his apartment and saves money by staying at his mom's. No wonder he is depressed.

I decided that I want to get out of town during the short time after I finish classes and before my friend Diane comes to visit. I've been looking at this website for a travel agency called Asatej and they have packages to a place in Brazil called Buzios, which looks like a cute little beach resort (actually series of beaches) that was made famous in the 60's (or 70's) when Bridget Bardot went there. There are some beautiful beaches and it looks like it might be a nice place to get away to. I'm tired of traveling alone and asked Hernan if he wanted to go, offering to pay for him since I know he doesn't have any money. I think he will be a good travel companion and we'll be able to spend a week together without driving each other nuts.

I was really hoping to find an affordable place that is right on the beach, but it seems impossible. Instead, I think we'll go with one of the places in the package that are located in the center of the little town, and I guess from there we can walk or rent bikes or motorcycles to get to the different beaches. One place that they offer has a nice pool too and I would be perfectly happy just lounging by the pool all day. I hadn't planned on going to Brazil on this trip, but now that the prospect is there, I am excited. I started studying a little Portuguese today just to learn a few expressions.

And that was my day. I spent the rest of the day just cooking, eating (of course) and watching TV. I was going to go out for a walk after dinner but it ended up being late and I didn't feel like going out.

And so, life here has become pretty normal, to the point that I am planning a vacation to get away. I guess there is a lesson in there somewhere, thought I am not sure yet what that might be.

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