Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Help! I'm Melting....melting.....mellllltingggg....

It is ridiculously hot here. Sweltering. Boiling.

I went to see my cute chiropractor this morning and the day had already begun to heat up. It was still bearable. My neck and shoulders are feeling much more relaxed than when I first starting seeing Hugo (that is Mr. Babe's name). Today I still had a little stiff spot on the left side of my neck. Now it feels so much better.

Fortunately I wasn't sniffling too much this morning, but lying mouth down on the table I did start to get a little bit of a runny nose. Hugo noticed and asked me if I had a cold. Allergies, I said. He then said that with the air-conditioner I probably got sick.

He is not the first person who has claimed that the air-con made them sick. Now, here is my question - colds are caused by germs, right? How is it that an air-conditioner could make a person sick? Is there something to it? Is it because people believe it? Or is this one of those old-wives tales that is based on nothing but what someone's grandmother who grew up without air-conditioning told them?

I don't know, but with this heat, I'll take the sneezing over not having my air-con on.

I came home thinking I might go to the gym, but instead I played on the computer a bit, ate lunch and watched Ellen. Ellen is on a lot here. Her current show is on as well as re-runs of her sit-com twice a day. I love Ellen.

Finally, I decided to try going to the gym. It was really hot but walking in the shade, and even in the sun, was not that bad as I only had to walk about 6 or 7 blocks. I bought a bottle of water, as I usually do, at a kiosk near the gym, but it was warm.

The gym had the air-conditioning on and most of the fans were blowing, but the windows were all open. Considering the fact that itis like 95 degrees today with 100% humidity, unless you were directly in front of a fan, it was really too hot to work out. I stayed for about 35 minutes and did get a decent workout in, but finally it was enough. I have only a few more days before I'll be baring my skin on the beach, but there is no way any amount of pushing is going to make a major difference at this point. Fortunately, Hernan also has a little belly, so I won't feel to much like a rhino next to him. His tummy is cute, it kind of reminds me of Bart Simpson.

I walked home down Santa Fe which was nearly deserted compared to most other days. Especially on the sunny side of the street, there were very few people. I popped into Volta and had a small cone with lemon and raspberry sherbert, which was very nice, and then popped into Carrefour, a supermarket on Santa Fe that has a different selection from my Disco. I picked up some fruit to make a fruit salad and a bottle of Malbec Rose.

I might go out later to see if I can find a Portuguese phrase book, but I'm probably going to cook and just stay in and do some work on the computer and stay out of the heat.

I hope this is an anomoly and it's not going to be hot like this until the end of December! Next year I am definitely getting out before the boiler gets turned on!

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