Sunday, June 3, 2007

More odds and ends

Ok, I ranted a little last time...

I was in bed early because I was exhausted, but somewhere in the well in the center of this building and the one next door, someone started playing a guitar and singing. It's still going on, now with the smell of fried onions and something delicious. I'm wide awake, my computer is still acting crazy, so why not add some more random thoughts and observations.

-Men here kiss each other on the cheek when they greet one another -and they're not gay.
-People who ride the subway are not as attractive as people on street level. (that is not a judgement, just an observation)
-Larry walks very fast.
-The elevator in Larry's building is smaller than a phone booth (we both fit, but can not turn around, and when Larry is wearing a coat, I hardly fit).
-My elevator is small, but bigger than Larry's (supposedly fits 3 people).
-They still use skeleton keys here, which are very difficult to maneuver.
-People seem to enjoy "menial" labor, from the people cleaning the streets, the guy who removes your tray from your table when you are done eating at the food court to waiters, and everyone else who serves the public (well the people in the money changing place were not all that happy).

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