Thursday, December 18, 2008

Floggers, Chetos, and all of that stuff

One of the more interesting experiences for me was finding out about the world of urban tribes. I will have to find out if this phenomena exists in the US. Floggers, in particular, seem to be a real Argentine thing.

So, what is a flogger?

A flogger is a person (usually an adolescent) who posts pictures to a foto log. A foto log is like a blog, but with only photos. And that's it.

I did find Cumbio's flog. Now that I know she is a girl, she is looking pretty butch to me. There is a link to a picture of her "novia" or girlfriend, so I am wondering about her sexuality (not that there is anything wrong with that). It amazes me that by simply posting pictures of herself and her friends online, she has been transformed into a celebrity and even has a book that she wrote!

Here is the link to her flog.

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