Today was a beautiful day. It was warm, probably at or near the low 60's, and sunny. The sky was blue with some clouds.
I woke up at 9 and wasted time playing with my computer this morning - checking e-mail, surfing around, etc., so that I found myself with very little time to get to school. I left here around 11:30 and headed towards Plaza San Martin station, but realized I didn't have my cell phone with me. I came back and got it, but it cost me time and I was afraid if I took the subte, I wouldn't have time for a decent lunch. So I hopped in a cab and had him take me to the corner where Punta Cuore is. Today I had chicken baked with wine with potatoes on the side. It was good.
Today's class was better than yesterday's. We had Claudia again, as she is our normal teacher for Monday/Wednesday/Friday, without the level 6 students. It was me, Cynthia and Nancy.
First we had a little free discussion about some things that I can't remember. I like that Claudia calls on each one of us and makes us all talk on whatever topic comes up. She also complements us, and does in a way that makes me laugh, like, "WOW! that was a perfect sentence!" or something like that. When we ask questions she says, "Look at what an interesting question it is that you asked." - it's very funny.
She outlined her plan for the day - we were to go over our assignment from yesterday on Rosa Parks, read a poem by Borges and listen to a tango.
We did all of that, and it wasn't too bad. I liked the variety, and I liked her democratic style of running the class. Ah, a class that I liked!
Now I have to revisit my feelings about Borges because I have this assignment from yesterday that Nancy turned in today and Cynthia had started and I was going to blow off. It is due on Friday.
I left school and it was a beautiful day, sunny and warm. I wanted to meet Hernan for coffee and sent him a text, but didn't hear from him. I decided to walk up Santa Fe in the opposite direction because I had only seen that part of the city by cab. It was a nice walk, there were a lot of people on the streets and there were lots of shops, but nothing of interest to me.
At about 5:00 I was hungry and found a pizza place on the corner of Santa Fe and another busy street. I went inside and used the restroom but it was too hot, so I sat outside, which seemed like a good idea. I ordered a small pizza and a coke. I've stopped drinking water with gas because I think it was giving me too much gas. I don't think the coke was any better for me, but water without gas seems so boring for me (but that is what I'm going to drink from now on).
The pizza was good and the location would have been nice if it were not a busy intersection at rush hour. The fumes really got to me after a while, especially when this little junker pulled up and parked with the motor running and I had to smell their fumes for 5 minutes.
Hernan called me while I was there and said he would meet me later - he was at his mother's. The plan was he was going to call me around 8.
I decided to keep walking up Santa Fe because it was in the direction of Hernan's. I thought if I went home, I would not want to go out again, and also I was so tired, I would end up taking a nap and not sleeping. But I knew there was a shopping center on Santa Fe and thought I could kill some time there.
Eventually I found Alta Palermo Shopping Center and went in. It was ok, but nothing special. I didn't find anything that interested me. It doesn't look like this is going to be a shopping vacation, which is a good thing.
I ended up in the food court and there was a Freddo there, and I was tired and wanted to sit down, so I got an ice cream and did my homework. Eventually, I got bored and continued walking up Santa Fe.
There is a street that crosses Santa Fe called Scalabrini Ortiz. Marcela told us there are outlets there. It is also very near Hernan's. So, I thought I'd scope out the outlets and then give Hernan a call and tell him I was in his neighborhood.
I never found the outlets and instead walked over to Malabia Street, which is a block from Scalabrini Ortiz and runs through Palermo Soho. I thought I might find a cafe and have a glass of wine, but I didn't find anyplace I wanted to sit at - they all seemed to serve hard liquor and I imagine they got pretty rowdy later on.
I ended up walking around Palarmo Soho, which I really like at night on the weeknights. It was quiet and the stores were open, so it was fun window shopping. I sent Hernan a text that I was near his house, and he called me when he got in. I went over to his place.
We hung out for a bit and drank some wine. He helped me with my homework, and I helped him with a play he is translating to study English. Finally, I headed home.
It wasn't a terribly eventful day and I have no witty comments on anything today, but it was warm, the sky was clear, and my cough seems to be almost completely gone. So, all is good.
I walked a lot, so hopefully, I'm going to sleep well.
Today's picture is from Palermo Soho - it is an Optometrist/Veterinarian - quite a funny combination, I think. The little doggy is wearing glasses.
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