Monday, September 15, 2008

Getting Over My Fear of Tango

It's a beautiful day and I am going to go out for a stroll before the sun sets, but I wanted to blog a bit about the two tango classes I just took so that I can remember what we did.

I returned for the two Monday classes, 12:30-2 and 2-3:30 that I took two weeks ago. Last week I didn't go because I was kind of dizzy.

The first class was with Valeria Inarra - Tango Improvisation. There were 3 guys, no women. It made it kind of difficult to get much practice, but the class was good. We did some walking and some basic steps across the floor. I like doing those as they really help with balance and basic technique. Then we each took turns dancing with Valeria. She showed us this turn that I really like, and also showed us ways that we can break free of the 8 count basic pattern of tango.

Most tango teachers teach this 8 count basic step, which is a really good foundation. Marcelo and I have been using it as the basis for our classes (he stresses musicality in his class so it's not so basic for me), but in Valeria's class, and the class that followed, that basic step kind of got tossed out the window. It's still there for me and I can dance it in my sleep now, but it is good that I am being shown alternatives, but just as solitary steps, but as alternative ways to exit from a place you might find yourself on the dance floor.

The next class was Alejandro "el turco" Suaya. I guess the woman I had two weeks ago was NOT Alejandro. I liked his class a lot. There were two men and two women, so it was an even pairing, which was nice. One woman was older and kind of a beginner. The other might have been around my age and was perhaps a little above my level, but very helpful when I got a chance to dance with her.

In Alejandro's class, we also did some basic floor work and then he showed us some simple steps that he combined into a pattern. We never really got through the whole pattern, in my case because I was dancing mostly with the older woman and found her a challenge to lead, but it was ok. The class was very low-pressure, but still very focused on details with LOTS of correction (and a few compliments). I felt very comfortable with Alejandro.

I left feeling good, which is a big change from my first class and also my classes with Jorge. My body is beginning to absorb the lessons and some things are coming more naturally to me, like turning, leading more forcefully and clearly and paying attention to the music.

I am very happy taking these basic level classes and don't feel the need to put myself into any of the other classes that might be more popular with more advanced dancers. I think that even staying with these classes for the next 3 months, will give me a really good technical foundation that I will be able to use in San Francisco when I am in whatever class happens to be available (unfortunately I won't have as many choices, or be able to afford to take as many classes as here).

Valeria was very funny. She was telling us that she waited 6 months after taking classes every day, before she went to a milonga. She was very strongly suggesting that this new guy, who was very new (he might have had 2 classes) do the same. Marcelo has been pressuring me to go to the gay milonga, but I am not ready yet. Valeria encouraged me to hold firm and delay going until I feel comfortable leading and following. What she said is if you dance with someone and you are not good, you will lose your chance to ever dance with them again.

I'm shooting for November as my target date to make my debut at the milonga. Until then, I'm happy practicing in my living room.

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