Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rainy Sunday

It's been raining most of the day. It is so nice and quiet in my apartment and the only sound I can hear is the rain outside, and my fingers on my keyboard. It's lovely.

It took me a while to recover from the sleep marathon I had last night. I'm trying to determine if there is something wrong with me beyond the meniere's. I wake up with a sore throat, but it could be from snoring, which I know I do. The remnants of the cold are pretty much gone. I still have a cough from time to time, but in general, when I'm not feeling dizzy, I feel pretty good. I think the sleep marathon yesterday was due to the enormous amount of energy these meniere's attacks take from me. They are exhausting. And worrying about the next attack is just as exhausting. I'm glad today I have an excuse to just stay inside. I have the food I bought for dinner yesterday that I never got to, and the rain is laying a nice gentle mood on the day.

I watched some episodes of Democracy Now online from my bed after I did my morning blog and e-mail responses (not many e-mails today). Democracy Now is a great source of alternative news and I learned a lot about the "crisis" on Wall Street and what should be done about it. I have several more episodes downloading through Miro, the software I found that allows me to see things like Democracy Now and Bill Moyers Journal, Frontline World, and some other programs I really like, as well as some programs in Spanish.

After that I moved to the living room and caught the tail end of a movie with Steve Martin and Goldie Hawn that was a remake of a movie with Jack Lemmon and Sandy Dennis (I think) where a naieve couple from Ohio go to New York. The end was cute, but I remember I didn't really like either movie that much. Then I caught the tail end of Trading Places with Eddy Murphy. It was very interesting seeing that movie with this whole Wall Street thing going on now. That movie was made in the 80's at the height of the Reagan revolution. It was nice seeing familiar sights in Philly, and also things like a young Al Franken (who was very hot).

Finally, I decided to make lunch. I steamed some broccoli and then sauteed some garlic in olive oil to pour over the broccoli. Somehow the frying pan with the oil and garlic caught on fire and I nearly burned down my apartment. It was very scary. I knew I wasn't supposed to put water on the fire, but it was very tempting as I was right next to the sink. I was going to throw a dish towel on the fire, but since they are not my dish towels I hesitated. Fortunately, the fire went out when I removed the pan from the stove. It was a close call.

I could still feel that I was "off" while I was cooking and it was kind of dangerous. Aside from the fire, I was also being very clumsy and had some close calls with a knife and also some dishes. My kitchen is kind of like a galley in an airplane, and I felt like a flight attendant trying to cook in extreme turbulance.

The lunch turned out pretty yummy though. I fried up three steaks I got at the Disco yesterday (they cost me $6.00 for the 3), sauteed some mushrooms and had broccoli with charred garlic. I had an apple for desert. I now feel a little bit more stable, though I don't feel I am out of the woods yet.

I just finished filling out my absentee ballot. I was thrilled that it made it here. This is such an important election, not only because of the stakes of the presidential race, but also because the Republicans are at it again in California. This time they have a proposition on the ballot to amend the Constitution in order to repeal the rights of same-sex couples to marry. When are they going to give up on this thing? It felt good to cast my vote against this hateful measure, vote for my choice for president (no surprise who that might be) and to vote against Nancy Pelosi. Cindy Sheehan, the woman who lost her son in Iraq several years ago is running against Nancy. She probably won't win, but if she gets enough votes, Nancy might get the message that her constituincy is not happy about the way she is allowing Bush to continue to get away with his bullshit.

I have an appointment with Gonzalo tomorrow for another auricolar treatment, and another appointment at the chiropractor on Tuesday morning. After that appointment, I am going to the spa for a quick facial, sauna and relaxing massage. I am hoping that all of this will add up to me feeling better and able to return to school on Wednesday. Tango is on hold until I am sure I am feeling better.

And now, as the rain continues to fall, I think I am going to go plop in front of the TV again and see if anything good is on.

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