Thursday, October 2, 2008

I'm Pretending It's Still Thursday

It's after midnight, so it's officially Friday, but I'm going to cheat and change the date when I post this (if I can), so that this post will be for Thursday.

I wasn't really in the mood for blogging this morning. My computer was running slow and I had a hard time watching the Daily Show and checking out Common Dreams and the Huffington Post. I didn't attempt anything else because I was ready to throw the computer out the window.

I decided to go out for lunch after I brought my laundry across the street. I wanted to check out this little corner restaurant that has caught my eye several times. I was thinking of going there last night after returning from my conversation exchange, but it looked kind of formal with candles and all and I wasn't dressed appropriately. Today I went and looked at the menu and saw that they have kind of a fixed menu. It might be interesting but I decided to go elsewhere.

It was a beautiful, warm, spring day so I went to this row of restaurants that have outdoor seating. I settled on one that had a daily menu with 7 different options. It was kind of a mistake. I looked longingly at the next restaurant that was an Italian grill. I had been to the same restaurant in another location with Hernan and had a nice piece of salmon and a really yummy desert that we shared.

Well, this restaurant I went to, Campechano or something like that, was nothing special. I have to admit, I am tired of the same old menu choices. Don't Argentines want variety?

I got a piece of grilled chicken and wanted a salad. It was listed as one of the side order choices. But the waiter confused me by telling me something I didn't understand about the salad. It turned out a salad bar was also included. But it didn't say that on the menu. I have never seen a salad bar in Argentina, so I was a bit surprised. I had to tell him I didn't understand, and he explained again. I still wasn't sure I understood.

The other two side order options were french fries or squash puree. They don't get vegetables as a concept.

I got the french fries, and fortunately, they were not salted.

First I got this little appetizer that was kind of like a piece of quiche and a side of some pickled eggplant. It was ok. It came with a basket of stale bread (I wonder if they just keep putting the same basket out over and over again). I was waiting for the waiter to give me instructions on the salad bar, but he never did. I was sitting outside so I didn't know what to do.

I got my entree and the chicken was not bad. The unsalted fries were greasy, and I dind't finish them. The desert was this really sweet thing that I think was flan with dulce de leche in the middle covered with a syrup. I love deserts, but I only ate half of this.

I couldn't wait to leave.

I think this restaurant, and the others in this block, might be nice places to go with friends for drinks and snacks, especially on warm weekday evenings when it might not be crowded. I didn't really enjoy the experience so much, first because the food was not that special, and second, because it was kind of hot and there was very little shade.

What was interesting, was that there were three police officers patrolling this block. One was standing guard outside of a building across the street. The restaurants all face a little park with a playground and there are rows of apartment buildings on the other side. I wondered if someone important lived in this one building that seemed to be guarded, and if this was a high crime area. It was very conchetta, and the people who were eating at these restaurants were fairly well heeled.

The other thing that started to bother me was the smoke.

I have noticed that a lot of women smoke. I asked Raul last night if he thought more women smoke than men and he said yes. I thought it was a way to keep from gaining weight, since everyone seems so body conscious, but Raul told me it is because women have very difficult lives. He said they are always falling for men who are irresponsible, have wives, can't commit to a relationship, etc. He said they build castles in the clouds. I thought this was an interesting interpretation and have decided I'm going to ask more people what they think - first if they think women smoke more than men, and second, why.

I spent the rest of the day at home. I just was not feeling like going out. I guess I'm conserving my energy for Uruguay next week where I won't have the luxury of staying home and cooking and raiding my refrigerator every hour. I enjoyed watching some movies, just relaxing and finally watching the Vice Presidential debates.

I actually enjoyed the debate. I thought Joe Biden was good. I thought Sarah Palin did better than everyone expected she would. She got on my nerves with her little folksies - 'you betcha!', and didn't answer some of the questions, she twisted the facts, but at least she made some coherent sentences. That apparently has become our standard for our leaders. After watching her with Katie Couric, I wondered, as I think many did, if she would be able to answer any questions.

And that was my day. Nothing special. Still feeling kind of blah about everything. Still frustrated that simple things like ordering in a restaurant are not always simple. But healthwise, I am doing ok and have had another vertigo free day. That is something to celebrate.

Just a little stretching and affirmations and then time for bed. If I think of anything else, I'll just hafta get back to ya!

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