Sunday, October 19, 2008


This has nothing to do with me being in Argentina, other than I am amusing myself following the drama of the U.S. election. I am actually enjoying the show. With McCain's sneaky tactics, Sarah Palin's antics, and Obama's mastery, this is reality TV at its best. Who is going to get voted off the island?

Well, today came the latest twist. Colin Powell endorsed Obama on Meet the Press. And what an endorsement it was. Powell speaks for over 7 minutes about his decision to make this endorsement and was not interrupted once. It's like he's giving a speech. He makes some very powerful arguments. Then, after the show he goes outside and talks to the press and gives even more reasons, addressing the criticism of Obama as being a socialist. Pow! He really gave it to McCain, and maybe gave the election to Obama. Who or what is next in this show? Condie Rice?!!

Check out the video and look at the other one on Huffington Post. Enjoy the show!

and this

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